For the past year I have really tried to become a "thrifty shopper". I have cut coupons, joined coupon groups, compared grocery adds like a hawk, and have even been know to take an item back once it has gone on sale to get the better price. I'm not by any means saying I'm a "Coupon Queen", but I would like to think I'm responsible for making our family dollar s-t-r-e-t-c-h a little further.
This family photo shoot is the results of one of my many coupons. I know that these pictures are far from amazing, but what to you expect for 10 bucks? I loved that when we took these pictures there was absolutely no stress. We kinda-sort-of tried to match our clothes, and we did take showers and put a little extra gel in Carter's hair, but we went in knowing that there was a great possibility that these pictures could suck. Given the fact that the photographer we had totally hated her job, and I had to bribe my son and husband with lunch immediately following the picture taking, I think these pictures turned out a bit better then sucky.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Crazy Coupon Lady
Posted by The Praters at 9:12 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My Monster
YES we are still alive. Honestly I’m not sure why I’m even updating this blog. I really don’t think that I need to have a Facebook account and a blog. But since I still like to blog stalk people, I figure I might as well give those few people who do stalk me (and never leave a comment) a little something to look at. Since I’m being honest about my blog stalking we might as well be honest about my kid. . . . . He is seriously cute!!
Given the fact that I have not updated the family blog in over six months, you will see Carter growing before your eyes in these pictures. Carter is two and half years old, he wears a size 4, not a 4 Toddler a FOUR, as in XS in the big boys department. He loves to swim, ride his bike, drive anything with a motor, going to the movies, camping, the cabin, and having all the attention on him ALL the time. He talks back, rolls his eyes, and tells “stories” all the time. To make up for his naughtiness, he hugs and kisses you unexpectedly, he will tell you that your shirt is cute, and that he likes how you did your hair today. He is fully potty trained and totally rocks his boxer briefs. He taught his Nana how to use her cell phone last week. He can recognize the whole alphabet and most numbers. If I ask him what color something is he looks at me like. . . . . “My crazy mom I just told her what color the grass was yesterday, she forgets so easily. Oh well, mom the grass is greeeeen. G-R-E-E-N!” He is all boy, he loves to wrestle and get dirty. He can burp louder then most men, loves peeing outside, and has been known to blow a snot rocket or two.
Given the fact that I have not updated the family blog in over six months, you will see Carter growing before your eyes in these pictures. Carter is two and half years old, he wears a size 4, not a 4 Toddler a FOUR, as in XS in the big boys department. He loves to swim, ride his bike, drive anything with a motor, going to the movies, camping, the cabin, and having all the attention on him ALL the time. He talks back, rolls his eyes, and tells “stories” all the time. To make up for his naughtiness, he hugs and kisses you unexpectedly, he will tell you that your shirt is cute, and that he likes how you did your hair today. He is fully potty trained and totally rocks his boxer briefs. He taught his Nana how to use her cell phone last week. He can recognize the whole alphabet and most numbers. If I ask him what color something is he looks at me like. . . . . “My crazy mom I just told her what color the grass was yesterday, she forgets so easily. Oh well, mom the grass is greeeeen. G-R-E-E-N!” He is all boy, he loves to wrestle and get dirty. He can burp louder then most men, loves peeing outside, and has been known to blow a snot rocket or two.
I'm the crazy wife/mom that loves to dress her boys the same. I can't help it! They are just so dang cute!
Carter loves his dad so much! Seriously look how much Carter looks like Kenny. CR-A-ZY!
He can start almost every quad we have. As soon as he can reach the foot pegs we are all in trouble!
Every once in awhile we get all gussied up!
Spoiled to the Max!
Shaking his groove-thang on the dance floor!
He really thinks that he should get his own quad. We are looking for one that is surrounded by a bubble:)
He was getting way to big for his toddler bed. He loves his Dragon room.
Slip and Slides still rule!!!
We took him bowling and he almost beat his Aunt Jordan!
Lovin some ribs on 4th of July!
Posted by The Praters at 9:23 AM 12 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
Let's Make A Deal!!!
So, my friend Stephanie calls me and says that I need to get a babysitter because we are going to try and get on Let's Make a Deal. My first thought was, Let's Make a Deal is still on TV??? That's when I started my research. I put the DVR to work and started checking out the Internet. To get on Let's Make a Deal they like you to dress up in costumes and act silly. We all know that I've got the silly part down so that meant I had to find a costume. So I called my sister Shelby and asked to borrow her "granny wig". I remember her and her friend dressing up as granny's for Halloween and it was freakin Hilarious. Now that I had the "hair" I needed to acquire the rest of the "Granny Outfit". After several trips to several thrift shops and one emergency trip to Walmart, I ended up with this crazy, ugly, costume that cost less then 10 bucks!!!
They are filming the show at the Tropicana and Wayne Brady is the host. We got in line around 9:00 for the 11:00 show. Apparently we were pretty late because people started arriving at 3:30 in the morning! Needless to say we didn't make the first show. We did get tickets for the afternoon show. But that meant we had a couple hours to kill. So, what do three crazy people that have lived in Las Vegas for most of their lives, dressed up as some of the most random people/things decide to do to occupy that time???? We decided to get in touch with our inner tourist and walk the strip. Here are just a few of our pictures. Hope they make you laugh.
After we finished playing tourist it was time to get back to business. We went back to the Tropicana to begin our journey. We started out standing in line to get a number, then filling out a bunch of paper work, then standing in line to get your picture taken, then in another line to be interviewed, and yet another line because the line we were in was too long. We finally made it inside which meant we were definitely going to be on the show. Then we stood in a security line. . . . and we finally got our seats. We are actually sitting right behind Wayne Brady for the whole show. I'm pretty sure when the show air you will be seeing a whole lot of Granny:) None of us ended up getting picked but we sure had a blast and it will be one of those days that I will never forget.
P.S. Shelby thanks for the costume inspiration.
Posted by The Praters at 9:41 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Santa Train
Hey everyone! Well we had an awesome Christmas and I hope you did too. We started off our Christmas celebration with a ride on the Santa Train. Pops (aka Kenny's dad Gary) got us all tickets to ride the train in Boulder City. We had a ton of fun riding the trains and Carter loved it whenever he herd the Train Whistle. We spent most of the morning riding the trains and ended the day eating at A&W ( the A&W in Boulder City always taste the best). Thanks again Pops and Grandma we had a great time!
Posted by The Praters at 4:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
Coral Pink
It seemed like we had not used our trailer in years. So we decided to go to Coral Pink sand dunes. It worked out great because it was Uncle Dens birthday and it was finally starting to cool down. The trip started out great. Kenny was happy because he had a day off Carter was chillin in the back seat watching movies, and I was reading a book. We stoped in Kanab Utah for lunch and paid $16 for a Big Mac at McDonald's. OK, it wasn't 16 bucks but it was at least double the price. We finally made it to our camp site. It was a bit small but after we broke a few minor laws we manage to get everything set up. Check out the pictures and continue reading for the rest of the story. . . . . .
These are the beautiful Pink Dunes.
Here are some nice trails in the dunes.
This is our trailer fully loaded with all the quads.
Here is Carter enjoying his freedom outside of the car seat.
We are finally unloaded and set up. Life is GOOD. . . . . .
. . . .And then this happens! Carter fell out of the trailer AGAIN. I swear I got 50 grey hairs after this fall. He had been doing so good. He would take his time going down the steps, and he was asking for help. Then he leaned on the screen door and landed straight on his face. The stairs where folded up this time, it was almost a 3ft fall.
This is the screen door he fell out of.
We kept giving him "candy" all weekend. AKA chewable Tylenol.
We thought about shaving his head and getting him some "iceman" shorts so he could be Chuck Liddel for Halloween.
This is inappropriate shirt #1. Thanks Uncle Den.
The morning after mug shot.
Carter usually doesn't like to ride on the quads. He likes riding in the Ranger or the Razor best. As you can see he pretty much likes any thing with a motor now!
He will tell you which one he wants to ride. Red wheeler or Blue wheeler.
Birthday boy enjoying some Jungle Juice!
This is inappropriate shirts #2. Not sure if you can read it. . .
He was one big sand ball by the end of the weekend. We almost had enough sand to start our own sand box!

. . . . . .What bed rails?????
I had so much fun on our Coral Pink trip. I actually got to go on a ride, and it was such a fun ride! It was so relaxing (except for the falling out of the trailer part). Can't wait to do it again!
Here are a couple funny pictures of Carter in his big boy bed. He was so good with the switch. He stays in his room until I get him and he loves his new sheets.
This kid moves constantly. I'm so happy we have the bed rails. . . . .Posted by The Praters at 12:06 PM 2 comments
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