If you guys don't already think I'm crazy, you will by the time you finish reading this post. I don't expect answers to these stupid questions, but it would make me feel better if a few of you would agree with me so I don't feel as stupid.
* Do they manufacture a sippy cup that is really leak proof?
* Teething tablets/drops do they really work?
* When do I need to start putting a robe on after my shower, so that he is not permanently scard for the rest of his life?
* When do I stop taking him into the women's restroom with me?
* Do they actually makes shoes that will stay on his feet longer then it takes me to put them on?
* Why do I always like the most expensive diapers?
* Why is every formula in the store on sale but mine?
* Do I really need a summer and a winter humidifier?
* Why do insurance companies make me yell?
* Why does it seem like every time I turn around I need to buy him more pajamas?
* Why do they only have the good "Bugger Suckers" at the hospital?
* How did I make it through my first 23 years of life without using at least 20 wet wipes a day?
* Why does holding a 24lb kid all day only work my arms? Why can't my abs see some results too?
* Why do strangers think that it's perfectly OK to touch my kid?
* Why do people I have never met, think that they know my kid better than me, and then proceed to give me advise that they actually think I'm going to follow?
* Will there come a day when I will be ready to go on a vacation with just my husband?
* Will I always feel like I'm going to pee my pants every time I sneeze?
* Why do I have stroller envy?
The list could go on forever. I think I will stop before I freak too many people out.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Stupid Mom Questions
Posted by The Praters at 11:10 AM 9 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
First Hair Cut
I know it doesn't look like Carter has much hair but he really does. I'm a total freak about guys and their hair cuts. I think that if guys are going to have short hair they need to maintain it. It grosses me out to see all that hair growing down their necks and over their ears. I'm the first to tell Kenny he needs a hair cut. It shouldn't come as a surprise that I already insisted that Carter get a hair cut. I'm sure some of you out there think I'm crazy, but it had to be done! Here are a couple before and after pictures. Notice in the before pictures the mini bush he has on the back of his head. Before = mini bush.
Didn't like the buzzer.
I know this picture is blurry but it still makes me laugh.
After = STUD. Carter survived his first hair cut. With a crazy mom like me there will be many more!
Posted by The Praters at 12:08 PM 6 comments
Camping in Style!
Normally when we go camping we take our quads and usually end up out in the middle of nowhere. We love being away from the city and doing lots of exploring. We reserved this camping spot in Mt Charleston almost a year ago! This spot was really nice because it had hook-ups, which means we can plug the trailer in and run all of our "stuff" (air conditioner, TV, crock pot, blow dryer, cell phone chargers, baby monitor, etc) off the power box. We got up to the mountain Friday afternoon and it was oh sooo much cooler then Las Vegas. Saturday we got to sleep in and that afternoon we had some friends come up for a BBQ. We also found out that Kenny's brother Dennis is engaged! We are so happy for him and we love Kim so much. Here are some pictures of our super fun weekend.
Aunt Robbi and Big K eating some hamburgers. Good Times!
Our Friend TED.
All of our friends that said they came to see us but really just wanted free food and to get out of the heat.
These are our friends Jameson and Zoey. Carter really, really likes Zoey. I think he has a things for blonds. He really likes Diane Sawyer too.
Uncle Den and soon to be Aunt Kim chillin' with Carter.
Posted by The Praters at 11:16 AM 1 comments
Blog Change-Up
I decided to give our blog a little makeover. I really love the picture of our lil family at the top. . . .to bad that crazy Jordan ended up in it. I guess I will have to try and take some more family pictures.
Posted by The Praters at 11:10 AM 2 comments