I think that he is totally cute with his vampire teeth. His granny is a little worried that he might not get any middle teeth. I have heard of this happening (vampire teeth) to one of my friends before. If there is any of you out there that has had any experince with crazy teeth please let me know so that I can give granny a little reassurance.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Vampire Boy!
Posted by The Praters at 10:25 AM 6 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Crash And Burn Part 1
I tell myself that this is the first of many and that I don't need to run over to him every time he falls and starts to cry, but 90% of the time I don't listen. I do what ever it takes to make it better. Half the time giving him a piece of candy or a Cheeto makes all the pain go away. Then the other half of the time he wants me to hold him and tell him it's OK, sit and rock him for a bit, or kiss him until he laughs. That moment makes me so happy. I'm not happy because he is hurt but I am happy that he needed me. I love knowing that I have the ability to make him feel better. I see him growing up faster than I ever thought possible, and it scares me to think that I might forget these special moments. (Guess I'm having another weird "mom moment". Seriously, why do his bumps and bruises make me appreciate him more? Koo Koo!!)
We also decided to cut Carter's hair. When I say we, I mean Me and Kenny. There was not a hair technician on the premises to lend a helping hand. We borrowed Uncle Ross's hair clippers and crossed our fingers. The last time he got his hair cut he was not the happiest little guy. This time I decided we needed a better distraction. Distraction = Popsicle. It worked out GREAT! I was in charge of the clippers and Kenny was in charge of holding Carters ears down and laughing at what a horrible job I was doing. It turned out pretty good and I think that the next time we might do even better.
Posted by The Praters at 11:11 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Better Late Than Never
Carter with his big boy clothes on. I still can't believe how grown up he looks!
This is the new face Carter makes when we get out the camera.
The weekend was a lot of fun but we really missed having Kenny and Shelby around. We can't wait until the next time!
Posted by The Praters at 11:41 AM 6 comments
TAG. . . .

Posted by The Praters at 10:45 AM 2 comments