Everyone seemed to enjoy my last post "stupid mom questions". Now that Carter is officially a toddler I have a whole new set of questions rolling around in my head. As always I do not expect actual answers to these crazy questions, just hoping to get a few "Amens" and to know that I'm not alone in this crazy world of mom-ville.
You know how the dryer always seems to "eat" one sock? Why is it that I get so excited when the other one gets gobbled up too?If someone stops to tell me that Carter is "the cutest kid they have ever seen", do I have to say the same thing about their little guy even if he is not? (I'm not the best liar) Can't I just ask them where they got those adorable shoes?
Why do I sometimes find myself yearning to get in the attic and pull out my comfy maternity clothes? Oh how I miss my comfy, stretchy clothes.
Will I ever finish the dreaded baby book? It seriously has dust on it. Please tell me I'm not the only mom that has not finished.
I love the Swiffer! I don't use it nearly as often as I should, but I still love it.
Why does it seem that I spend half my day loading and unloading the car? I only have one kid, will the madness ever stop?
How did I totally miss the gradual take over of my house? It used to be Ken and Em's House. It has now turned in to Carters play land,complete with rocking horse, outdoor slide that some how made it in to the middle of my living room, every ball and car imaginable, complete children's library, and adjustable basketball hoop.
When did I lose my first name? I'm now "Carters Mom", formally known as, daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, etc.
Why does everything seem to find it's way into my bath tub, toilet, garbage can, or out the dog door? Yesterday I found my couch pillows in the bath tub.
When did "find the sippy cup" become my least favorite game? I have learned if I check the 4 places above first, my chances of finding the sippy cup improve dramatically.
How the heck do I go about taking the pacifier away? He only uses it at night but I still think it's time to start the weening process.
I never thought the day would come when I would say, "I need a BIGGER purse!" My purse is huge already. I might as well get a small suite case with wheels on it!
I think that everyone that enters a mall, or any other shopping center should have to go through a " Stroller Etiquette Class" before shopping. During this holiday season it seemed like people with/without strollers were so rude. I tried so hard to be considerate and polite but by the end of the day I was being rude right along with everyone else. Next year I'm so getting my stroller lifted with a huge bumper on the front. Look out Walmart here I come!
I also think strollers should come equipped with headlights, blinkers, and the all important HORN!
During Christmas I was informed by my lovely husband that it is more "cost effective" for me to change Carters poopy diapers. Kenny was watching me change a poopy diaper and I only used two wipes. He explained to me that when he changes a poopy diaper he uses at least six wipes, therefore making it more "cost effective" for me to change all the poopy diapers. This theory does not apply to wet diapers. For the record, this theory although it may be true, was not put into affect and Kenny does indeed still change poopy diapers, regardless of the amount of wipes used. Good try babe.
Hope you enjoyed the new list. I hope it doesn't sound as if I'm complaining. I love being a mom and wife and wouldn't trade it for anything. I have always heard people say that you can never understand love until it's your child. It's true. I have never loved someone so deep and so hard as I love Carter. I didn't think I could possibly love Kenny anymore, and then Carter will make a face just like his dad and then BAM, my love for Kenny gets bigger. I'm so dang lucky.