Friday, January 16, 2009

Stupid Mom Questions/Comments Toddler Edition

Everyone seemed to enjoy my last post "stupid mom questions". Now that Carter is officially a toddler I have a whole new set of questions rolling around in my head. As always I do not expect actual answers to these crazy questions, just hoping to get a few "Amens" and to know that I'm not alone in this crazy world of mom-ville.

You know how the dryer always seems to "eat" one sock? Why is it that I get so excited when the other one gets gobbled up too?

If someone stops to tell me that Carter is "the cutest kid they have ever seen", do I have to say the same thing about their little guy even if he is not? (I'm not the best liar) Can't I just ask them where they got those adorable shoes?

Why do I sometimes find myself yearning to get in the attic and pull out my comfy maternity clothes? Oh how I miss my comfy, stretchy clothes.

Will I ever finish the dreaded baby book? It seriously has dust on it. Please tell me I'm not the only mom that has not finished.

I love the Swiffer! I don't use it nearly as often as I should, but I still love it.

Why does it seem that I spend half my day loading and unloading the car? I only have one kid, will the madness ever stop?

How did I totally miss the gradual take over of my house? It used to be Ken and Em's House. It has now turned in to Carters play land,complete with rocking horse, outdoor slide that some how made it in to the middle of my living room, every ball and car imaginable, complete children's library, and adjustable basketball hoop.

When did I lose my first name? I'm now "Carters Mom", formally known as, daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, etc.

Why does everything seem to find it's way into my bath tub, toilet, garbage can, or out the dog door? Yesterday I found my couch pillows in the bath tub.

When did "find the sippy cup" become my least favorite game? I have learned if I check the 4 places above first, my chances of finding the sippy cup improve dramatically.

How the heck do I go about taking the pacifier away? He only uses it at night but I still think it's time to start the weening process.

I never thought the day would come when I would say, "I need a BIGGER purse!" My purse is huge already. I might as well get a small suite case with wheels on it!

I think that everyone that enters a mall, or any other shopping center should have to go through a " Stroller Etiquette Class" before shopping. During this holiday season it seemed like people with/without strollers were so rude. I tried so hard to be considerate and polite but by the end of the day I was being rude right along with everyone else. Next year I'm so getting my stroller lifted with a huge bumper on the front. Look out Walmart here I come!

I also think strollers should come equipped with headlights, blinkers, and the all important HORN!

During Christmas I was informed by my lovely husband that it is more "cost effective" for me to change Carters poopy diapers. Kenny was watching me change a poopy diaper and I only used two wipes. He explained to me that when he changes a poopy diaper he uses at least six wipes, therefore making it more "cost effective" for me to change all the poopy diapers. This theory does not apply to wet diapers. For the record, this theory although it may be true, was not put into affect and Kenny does indeed still change poopy diapers, regardless of the amount of wipes used. Good try babe.

Hope you enjoyed the new list. I hope it doesn't sound as if I'm complaining. I love being a mom and wife and wouldn't trade it for anything. I have always heard people say that you can never understand love until it's your child. It's true. I have never loved someone so deep and so hard as I love Carter. I didn't think I could possibly love Kenny anymore, and then Carter will make a face just like his dad and then BAM, my love for Kenny gets bigger. I'm so dang lucky.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Drumroll Please!

Just got the results of my MRI. . . . . I do not have a brain tumor! Go me! I do have Chronic Sinusitis and Bells Palsy (officially). I will talk to my doctor more on Tuesday. I'm curious as to what Chronic Sinusitis is. I feel so much better knowing that I do not have a tumor hangin out in my head. Don't get me wrong if I did have a tumor in my noggin I know that I could totally kick it's ass. For now I will leave my ass kicking shoes in the closet. Just wanted to keep you guys posted. Thanks for all the love and support.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Abrasions, Bell's Palsey, Speeding Ticket . . . O MY!

WARNING!! This is my venting post. I'm going to complain and whine.
I have had a rough couple of months. In November I got kidney stones. I jokingly gave my little sister Jordan a hug and told her that she would now get the "stones". She actually got kidney stones! I still feel kinda bad about that. Sorry Jordan. Since I have had thyroid cancer a couple times I had to get some test done. One of those lovely test involves me collecting my pee for 24 hours. Yes I had to pee into small cups then transfer that pee into a larger "pee bag" and, this is the best part, keep it chilled in my refrigerator. Don't worry I have sterilized my refrigerator. I also had to have several blood tests done. I will find out the results in a couple of weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Along came the month of December(this might be TMI for some people, you don't have to read this, remember I'm venting). Right before Christmas I got a bladder infection. Of course it was on a Friday night when my doctor was not available. I get bladder infections A LOT. When I get a bladder infection it hits hard and fast. Since I couldn't get an RX, I started chugging cranberry juice and water. I was able to make it through Christmas and at my next doctors visit I tell him how frustrated I am. Guess what? He orders another pee test for me! O joy, I just love peeing in cups. My aim has improved drastically.
December 29Th. My eye starts to water a lot. I just figure that its time to change my contacts. So that's what I do. Then my eyelids start to twitch. I'm talking major twitching. It hurts to read and the twitching/watering has not stoped, so I go to the eye doctor. He informs me that I have an abrasion on my eye. He tells me that I cannot wear my contacts and that I need to get some prescription eye drops. The eye drops were super expensive and I hate wearing my glasses! My eyes are sensitive to the sun and if I can't wear my contacts that means I can't wear my sunglasses. This makes me grumpy.
New Years Eve. I'm at a party having a good time, when all of a sudden my lips start to feel funny. I wait it out until morning to see if anything changes. My tongue felt a little numb and I was having a hard time using a straw. At this point we are at the cabin. I tell my mom my symptoms and she tells me to make an appointment with my doc as soon as we get back. By the time we get back home I cant fully control the right side of my face. When my left eye closes my right eye stays open. I can only smile with half of my mouth and all the wrinkles on the right side of my forehead are gone. One of my new years resolutions was to get a lump on my face looked at ( I kept putting it off because I was worried that it would be cancer again) I already had an appointment made for Monday morning with the dermatologist. He takes one look at the lump and says that it is only a cyst and that I don't need to worry about it. That was such a relief! He proceeds to tell me that he wont treat the cyst until my other doctor can figure out what is wrong with the right side of my face. He did burn a wart of my pinkie finger and it kinda hurt. I then go straight to my regular doctor and he tells me that he is almost positive that I have Bell's Palsy. Bell's Palsy only affects your face and it usually only happens once. I didn't realize how common it was until I started asking around. To make sure that I have Bell's Palsy he made me go get an MRI of my brain. I should find out the results in the next couple of days. Once again keep your fingers crossed for me. (sorry no pictures of my messed up face)
Because my right eye will not close all the way I now have 2 dry spots on my cornea. This is not a good thing. If your eye drys up you can go blind. I have to put more drops in my eye every our and sleep with a mask on. Since I was having such a great new year, I decided to top it off by getting a speeding ticket on my way to the pharmacy to get my new eye drops. Ain't life grand? Now I have to appear in court and pay $190 fine!
I guess you could say that my 2009 is not off to a great start. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Sorry to be so negative. I have faith that all my test results will come back fine. I will keep you posted.

Mt Charleston

We actually got snow in Las Vegas this winter. It was so crazy to see kids on the side of the road building snowmen and sledding. We decided to take advantage of the snow and go snowboarding at Mt Charleston. Aunt Shelby took Carter for the day (thanks again). We talked my mom and our good friend Robbi into coming with us. Poor Kenny was the only guy, but I think he kinda liked it. We were one of the first groups to get there and it didn't seem to be that busy and the weather was great. We got all suited up (check out Robbi's florescent purple and green jacket! Love it!!) and jumped on the lift. The first two runs were great, nice snow, good friends, I could tell it was going to be a great day.

Then it seemed like all of Las Vegas decided to join us! Being the good sports that we are we decided to keep going, we had to get our moneys worth. 50 bucks! Since the entire mountain was covered with people we had to slow down. . . . A LOT. Even with all the people on the mountain I could always spot Robbi! It seemed like we all decided at the exact same time that we had had enough. I'm so out of shape that me legs were burning, two of us had to go pee and Kenny was hungry. We decide to call it a day and grab some lunch. As soon as we sit down I look at my watch and it's only 11:00. After a whole 2 hours of snowboarding we were DONE. I guess you could say we didn't get our moneys worth. At least we had fun! Right??

Me and my man! Mr. concussion always has to wear a helmet. Doctors orders!

Me, mom, and Robbi!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm not going to apologize this time for not posting. I have my excuses but I will get to that latter.

We had a great Christmas! We spent Christmas Eve with the Prater side of the family. Kenny's parents made homemade pizza. Mmmmmm it was so good, I hope it becomes our new tradition. Carter was the star of the show once again. He got a rocking chair from his grandma and grandpa Prater. He looks so dang cute in it when he is watching TV or reading a book. He got so many presents that I can't even remember them all. Poor Kenny felt like a pack mule all weekend. He had to load and unload the car sooooo many times. Kenny wanted to have scones on Christmas morning so I stayed up late that night to make the dough.

Christmas morning we got up early and opened our family presents. Santa brought Carter a tunnel to crawl through. Carter chases our cat through it most of the time. Then we headed off to my parents house. We opened MORE presents. Carter got and adorable table and chair set from his Nana and Papa. We had some great scones for breakfast (it was my1st time making them and I think they turned out great). After breakfast we headed off to see the great-grandparents. We try to make the rounds and see everyone but it seems to get harder each year. We ended our day back at my parents for an awesome dinner. When all was said and done Carter had and entire car full of presents. He has no idea how many people love him.

We were planning on spending the rest of the holiday weekend at the cabin but the weather was so bad we had to stay home. It was actually kind of nice to have a break from our crazy schedule. I feel so blessed to have such a great family and I love them ALL.

Carter and his Uncle Matt trying out the new rocking chair!

Christmas morning. We had to wake Carter up and he was not happy about it. We figure this will probably be the last year WE do the waking up.

Carter in his new tunnel!

Carter playing the organ with his Great Grandma Prater.