Friday, December 5, 2008


We had an awesome thanksgiving! We spent Thanksgiving day with Kenny's family. It was so nice to have everyone together. I was a bad wife, mother, daughter-in-law, niece, granddaughter. . . . . I forgot to take pictures! Sorry Prater Family.
Friday morning Carter and I hitched a ride to the cabin with Ross, Jordan, and Shelby. Kenny stayed home to work (we really missed him). It was so nice to get back to the cabin. I missed it so much. Check out some of our cabin pictures.

This was Carters first trip to the snow! He had so much fun eating the snow and watching the dogs run around in it.
He did not like sledding!
Still not crazy about it. . . . .
Uncle Ross tried to show us extreme sledding. (He made it about 5 feet before he got stuck)

Carters favorite part of the cabin is making people chase him up the stairs. I'm so glad that we live in a single story house!

Shelby made a snowman and named him Marty.

Then she kicked his head off!


The White Clan said...

I still am a little upset that I wasn't invited to the cabin. I am family you know!!! Just remember, you do pass my house on your way up there!

And I would love to see that baby in person, He is freakin cute in pictures, but I bet he is even better in real life.

Jordan said...

Awesome I love how Shelby is really getting after kicking that snowmans head off!

Anonymous said...

i love carter.. don't get me wrong.. but i also love new posts.