We went camping a few weekends ago to a place called Gold Butte. We talked Kenny's family and our friends Robbi, Jay, and Ted into coming with us. We got to ride the quads and check out some really cool sites. As always we had a ton of fun! My only compliant was that we had to leave so soon.
The first night we got there kinda late and it took us a while to get set up. There was a little confusion with the directions and by the time everyone got to the campsite and set up it was pretty late. I was inside the camper getting dinner ready and the next thing I hear is a big BANG. That big BANG happened to be Carter as he fell out the camper door and down all three stairs! It's the same story every time he gets hurt, "I just turned my back for a second. . . . ." We were pretty lucky he only got a black eye. Carter will be rocking his first SHINER in all of these pictures.
When we headed home on Sunday there was 50mph wind gust! That was the first time we have ever towed the trailer home in that kind of wind. I was totally freaking out! We managed to make it home in one piece. Check out some of the pictures of our camping weekend.
This is our Camp. It was a great "play pin" for Carter and blocked most of the sun. 
This was the day after the fall. He looks soooo tuff.
Ted just enjoying the ride.
This is our dusty group (minus grandpa, he is doing the picture taking).
Family Razor Ride. This is Carters favorite part.
This was the morning we were packing up to go home. Carter was so tired. He decided to use his yogurt as body paint, I guess he wasn't that hungry.
Nice update, it is about time. Carter's black eye is pretty sweet! I can't believe he got a black eye before I did!
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