As soon as we got home from the cabin on Moday we went over to Great Grandpa Praters house. We had a great day full of swimming and RIBS. Hope you all like the pictures.

Carter is showing everyone how you REALLY eat ribs!

Carter is seeing how high Dada can throw him. Nana is gonna freak when she sees this picture!

Carter hangin out with his Grandpa.

Hey grandpa! Catch!!

This is what happens when we take him OUT of the pool. It use to be that he would cry when we put him IN the pool.

Testing out the underwater capabilities of my camera. Thanks for the supermodel pose Uncle Den.

This is my new favorite picture!
The daddy/Carter picture-completely priceless. Too cute. You are so stinkin busy I never get to talk to you and I cant even remember the last time we hung out. Swim season is here-lets go to it!! Call me and lets soak!
I saw you driving the other day! I was waving like a mad women, but you were distracted by the food you were shoving in your face! ha ha! Your little one is PRECIOUS! He is getting big!
The rib picture is my new favorite of Carter!
Hey guys. That pic of Carter eating the ribs is hilarious! (Must take after his daddy, right? - j/k Ken)
Man I just read like a full 20 min. of your blog and it looks as though you guys have been having tons of fun. Ps quite beating your kid. Danny
It's been forever since I've checked anyone's blogs - which means I got to read several of yours! That kid is just getting cuter - how is that possible? I wish I knew when I was coming back to LV so I could see y'all!!
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