Carter loves to go on "rides". We take him on trash runs and to the corner gas station.
He also loves to go on hikes (or as Carter says "ikes"). This is him picking flowers for me and Nana. Such a sweet boy. . . . . .sometimes.
Carter loves to go on "rides". We take him on trash runs and to the corner gas station.
He also loves to go on hikes (or as Carter says "ikes"). This is him picking flowers for me and Nana. Such a sweet boy. . . . . .sometimes.
Posted by The Praters at 11:34 AM 3 comments
June sure seemed like a crazy month. I don't have many pictures to prove it, but here is an update on the Prater Family.
We have been trying to do things that are inexpensive (just like everyone else). One of our most favorite "cheep" thing to do is swimming. Carter took swim lessons earlier this year. We didn't have a great start but I'm soooo happy we went. I wasn't expecting him to learn how to swim this year, but I really wanted him to be comfortable in the water. Sometimes I think he may be too comfortable. He absolutely loves the water and has no fear what-so-ever. He holds his breath for at least 7 seconds and will jump off the side. We are working on his kicking and floating on his back. Overall his is doing better than I ever expected. He is one amazing kid! Check out this picture of him flying.
Kenny will throw him so high that as he is coming down he ends up under water. As soon as he pops up he yells "one more!", it is so cute. The only down side is that my mom freaks out a little and Kenny's arms are always sore the next day:)
Next on our list of "cheep" things was a visit to Great Aunt Linda and Uncle Jimbo. Carter loves horses (at least he thought he did). He can make the best "neigh" sound I have ever heard. He sounds just like a horse! Aunt Linda has four horses and five dogs at her house. Carter loved the horses from far away. If the horse would "neigh" he would "neigh" right back. Then we took him for a close-up. He pet the horse, and showed us it's eyes and ears. As soon as he got a glimpse of the teeth he freaked out. He refused to sit on the horse or give her a treat. He still had a great time and we love Aunt Linda so much for letting us visit.
Posted by The Praters at 10:21 AM 2 comments