I love the 4th of July. I mean seriously LOVE it. I love the smell of fireworks, I love the BBQs, I love the hot weather, I love it ALL. My birthday is the 6th of July so when I was a kid I would always wait for the first firework stand to set up. Thats when I knew my birthday was right around the corner. I remember being so excited. What other week in the year do you get to play with fire AND open presents? It is awesome!
This year Grandpa Prater bought us all tickets to the 51's baseball game. It was Carters first game. We had such a great time. Thanks POPS!
Carter loves to go on "rides". We take him on trash runs and to the corner gas station.
He also loves to go on hikes (or as Carter says "ikes"). This is him picking flowers for me and Nana. Such a sweet boy. . . . . .sometimes.
We bought a few boxes of sparklers. That kid is very dangerous with fire.
We decided to try something new this year and drive up to Brianhead for the firework show. It was one of the best shows I have EVER seen! They set them off right in the middle of the canyon. You can FEEL the fireworks and the echo seems to go on forever.
This is Carter eating some carmel popcorn waiting for it to get dark.
We had such a great weekend! When we left the mountain it was 73 degrees. Once we got home it was 107 degrees. So I decided it was time to buzz Carters head again. This is before . . .
. . . . and after.
Hope you all had a great holiday. Thanks again to my mom and dad. They bought me a new camera for my birthday. I was so lost with out a camera.
Cute pictures! I really like that letterman looking jacket that Carter is wearing! And I am very impressed that you got nana in a picture and she is smiling! She must really like your new camera too!
Happy Birthday! When I looked at the date I thought hmm, today is someones bday and as soon as I saw your post on my blog I thought
bingo-its yours so I immediately came to your blog. we need to get 2gether soon. I am leaving wed but will be home on monday (for a week-lets chill then, k?)
so since you are going to the cabin this weekend, does that mean we will finally get an update? :)
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