Friday, October 10, 2008

The Great 8 Tag

8 Favorite TV Shows. . . .
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Private Practice
3. One Tree Hill (Thanks for nothin Jordan!)
4. Jon & Kate Plus 8
5. Ultimate Fighter
6. What Not to Wear (I still need help)
7. Ellen
8. Baby Einsteins (I can get a lot done in 30min!)

8 Favorite Places to Eat. . . .
1. Macayos
2. Chipotle
3. Austins Steak House
4. Benihana
5. Granny's House
6. Olive Garden
7. Del Taco
8. In-N-Out

8 Things I Did Yesterday. . . .
1. Took Carter to the park
2. Went to see Kenny at work
3. Went to the Bank
4. Printed online coupons
5. Costco
6. Dinner with mom and sisters
7. Thought about how lucky I am
8. Watched Grey's Anatomy

8 Things I Look Forward To. . . .
1. Watching Carter grow
2. Teaching Carter new things
3. Meeting my sisters kids
4. Dumont trip!!!!!!
5. Spending time with Kenny
6. Cooler weather
7. A trip to the cabin!
8. Pumpkin Carving

8 Things I Love About Fall. . . .
1. Decorating
2. Hot Chocolate
3. Blankets
4. Big fires in the fireplace
5. Pumpkin pie
6. Halloween
7. Parties with family and friends
8. Almost time to go snowboarding

8 Things On My Wish List. . . .
1. Win the lottery
2. Be able to see my grandchildren
3. Lose 15 pounds
4. Focus more on the good things
5. Maybe, a couple more healthy kids
6. Getting hard wood floors in my house
7. Never to get cancer again
8. Get a tattoo

I tag Mandy, Christina, Adrianne, and anyone else thats feels like it.


The White Clan said...

My wish for you is no more cancer too. And I am glad I found you so I could see Carter grow too.

Ashley said...

Da Who What What?? A tatoo? What a way to end a blog you crazy momma! I vote PRATER across your back...oh wait that's Danny's vote.

The White Clan said...

I love you......but you need to post!

Anonymous said...

YOU NEED TO POST!!! ASAP!! I feel like i do all the work in this family