Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vampire Boy!

My kid looks like a Vampire! He has his two middle bottom teeth. He is supposed to get his top middle teeth next. Carter likes to make thing interesting so he decided to hold off on the middle teeth for now. He has his vampire teeth and there is no sign of the middle ones coming yet. We figured since he has the teeth he might as well be a vampire for Halloween!

I think that he is totally cute with his vampire teeth. His granny is a little worried that he might not get any middle teeth. I have heard of this happening (vampire teeth) to one of my friends before. If there is any of you out there that has had any experince with crazy teeth please let me know so that I can give granny a little reassurance.


Jordan said...

I love my little vampire! He is so cute! You can really see his fangs nicely in that first picture!

Ashley said...

I can't wait to see his costume!! What a cute little guy - he just gets better and better with each new phase - I am so excited to see you guys in a few weeks, cross your fingers that I make it :)

Anonymous said...

i love love love this picture... he is so adorable!!!!

The White Clan said...

He is to cute for words!

The Halligan's said...

Hailey got one of her fangs LONG before her other teeth came in!I was also worried about her poor teeth not being "normal"! Then she got three at once and it all evened out. She now has a HUGE gap between her two front teeth. Teeth are funny! Can you imagine how bad it must hurt to break teeth? Poor babies! It is a good thing they will never remember it!

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh!!!! He is so cute!!! Take lots of pics on Halloween. Wow, he's adorable!

Anyway, my friend's little boy had his "fangs" come in first,too. The others were soon to follow! Make sure to take loads of pictures of him with his teeth this way. One day, believe it or not, you'll have a hard time remembering what he looked like when he was a baby! They grow too fast!