On the train with Mama!Carter's dada let him pet a billy goat. Yuck!
The ducks were Carters favorite. He didn't want to leave!
Carter saying hello to the deer.
We just had to do it . . . .
Funny but kinda weird.
Bonnie Springs was so much fun!
On the train with Mama!Carter's dada let him pet a billy goat. Yuck!
The ducks were Carters favorite. He didn't want to leave!
Carter saying hello to the deer.
We just had to do it . . . .
Funny but kinda weird.
Bonnie Springs was so much fun!
Posted by The Praters at 11:43 AM 5 comments
Crazy Girls!
Yes we are pointing at our BOOBS!
Edward had is hands full! HAHA!
Posted by The Praters at 11:31 AM 2 comments
This is Sally my pee strainer. Yep I have named my pee strainer. You might be asking yourself, "Why does Emily have a pee strainer?". Last Monday morning (12:00am) I woke Kenny up and told him that he needed to drive me to the ER. I also got my mom up and asked if she would like Carter to come spend the night for the first time. She wished we would have dropped him off a little sooner but she still took him. Dropping off Carter and getting to the ER seemed to take FOREVER! We finally got to the hospital, I was in a ton of pain, the waiting room was empty, and it still took a 1/2 hour for me to get in. Grrrrrr! Then they proceeded to ask me a gazillion questions while I'm almost in tears and getting ready to vomit on the floor. (I understand that they were just doing there jobs, but at the time I didn't care!) Finally I meet this beautiful woman that started an IV and gave me this wonderful thing called "morphine". Instant happiness!!! After a few ultra sounds they found out I have kidney stones. I passed 1 kidney stone in the hospital but there is still at least 1 more lovely little stone that needs to make it's way out. I do not look forward to the day it decides to make an appearance. Part of me wishes it would just hurry up so I could get it over with. This might have something to do with my thyroid and I might have to have a minor surgery (don't worry I'm strong like bull). I will keep you posted. In the mean time I hope that you all never have to go through the experience of kidney stones. It sucked BAD!
P.S. If Sally catches the next stone I will post a picture for you all to see:)
Posted by The Praters at 11:01 AM 4 comments
Hey Kim. Yes I'm talking to you, Kim in New Mexico. You need to stop blog stalking me and start a blog so I can blog stalk you. It's only fair.
To everyone else that is reading this-
Kim is my friend. I haven't exactly met her yet but we have had some great conversations on the phone. She is Carter's Aunt Robbi's sister. She has been blog stalking me for some time now. If she is stalking me than I'm sure you have also been stalked by her. It's only fair that we get to stalk her too. If you agree please leave a comment.
Kim- I hope you are laughing and considering starting a blog. It's not that hard. If you can load songs on an IPOD you can start a blog. I really want to see some pictures of your kids:)
Posted by The Praters at 11:17 AM 3 comments
Here is Carter opening his presents. Thanks to all our friends and family my living room is now FULL of toys. We filled my car and half of Kenny's truck with presents!
Happy birthday Carter! I love you more than you will ever know!
Posted by The Praters at 11:16 AM 5 comments
Carter makes his dada so happy!
Carter playing with his new trucks from Aunt Robbi and Unki Jay.
Carter's camping chair.
Higher Dad!
Posted by The Praters at 10:32 AM 4 comments
Carter the cutest vampire ever!
On the way to each stop we gave him a chicken nugget to eat. He loved every minute of it!
Vampire Carter with FANGS!
Bath Time!
Posted by The Praters at 10:11 AM 4 comments