Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bonnie Springs

Sunday we took Carter to Bonnie Springs. He had a lot of fun! We took the train ride into town and spent most of the time in the petting zoo. He loved being able to run around and look at all the new things. Here are some pictures. . . . . .

Carter waiting for the train. He is so freakin cute!

On the train with Mama!Carter's dada let him pet a billy goat. Yuck!

The ducks were Carters favorite. He didn't want to leave!

Carter saying hello to the deer.

We just had to do it . . . .

Funny but kinda weird.

Bonnie Springs was so much fun!


LuDLoW LiFe said...

He IS freakin cute! Looks like he had a blast. Kids are pretty easily amused. So i was one of those crazy Twilight goers as well. We waited in line forever and had bought our tickets like 2 weeks before. I love your shirts.

So about the kidney stones, I have never had them, but my husband has. I have never seen someone in so much pain. He flops around like a fish. I had gall stones right after I had Lexus and they hurt WAY worse than having a child with NO epidural, so I can imagine kidney stones are pretty painful. I had my gallbladder removed so no more worries about that. Good luck with all of that, and you are WAY tough. You've been through a lot. Sorry such a long comment

Mandy said...

Suck-we were just there on Friday. We should have made plans to go together. Well, I guess we still can since it sounds like Carter really liked it!

What did you think about Twilight? I skipped the midnight madness and I am still trying to talk myself into seeing it. Is it worth it???

The White Clan said...

We love Bonnie springs!!! My boys, loved the train!

The Halligan's said...

He is adorable!

Laura said...

How fun and why haven't I been there?!