Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Want You To Meet Sally. . . .

This is Sally my pee strainer. Yep I have named my pee strainer. You might be asking yourself, "Why does Emily have a pee strainer?". Last Monday morning (12:00am) I woke Kenny up and told him that he needed to drive me to the ER. I also got my mom up and asked if she would like Carter to come spend the night for the first time. She wished we would have dropped him off a little sooner but she still took him. Dropping off Carter and getting to the ER seemed to take FOREVER! We finally got to the hospital, I was in a ton of pain, the waiting room was empty, and it still took a 1/2 hour for me to get in. Grrrrrr! Then they proceeded to ask me a gazillion questions while I'm almost in tears and getting ready to vomit on the floor. (I understand that they were just doing there jobs, but at the time I didn't care!) Finally I meet this beautiful woman that started an IV and gave me this wonderful thing called "morphine". Instant happiness!!! After a few ultra sounds they found out I have kidney stones. I passed 1 kidney stone in the hospital but there is still at least 1 more lovely little stone that needs to make it's way out. I do not look forward to the day it decides to make an appearance. Part of me wishes it would just hurry up so I could get it over with. This might have something to do with my thyroid and I might have to have a minor surgery (don't worry I'm strong like bull). I will keep you posted. In the mean time I hope that you all never have to go through the experience of kidney stones. It sucked BAD!

P.S. If Sally catches the next stone I will post a picture for you all to see:)


Mandy said...

EMILY-what the heck-why am I just hearing about this now. DO you need anything? that sounds HORRIBLE. Although I do know how tough you are and I know you will make it through this..still, I am so sorry

The White Clan said...

I know you are strong like a bull! And I have never passed one, but I have had one lodged, and it was HORRID!!! Good luck! I wish I lived there so I could take your handsome little guy for you!!!

Brittany B said...

I went to the ER this summer for those lovely things. Mine luckily aren't blocking anything, but I was given a homeopathic remedy for passing them naturally and unpainfully. I can email it to you if you want. Hope you feel better!

Kayla said...

so i was blog stalking you! I love your blog emily! BUt this sounds HORRIBLE! but question what do u do with the stone once its in the strainer? frame it? haha!