WARNING - This could be a long post!
I remember the day we found out Carter was on his way.
I remember the day he was born.
We decided to have a small get together for Carter's 1st birthday. When I say small, I mean only 50 people showed up (we have a big family). Yeah it was CRAZY! I don't think this kid realizes how many people love him.
This is Carter in his smokin hot birthday outfit. He had a really cute sweater that went with it (with skulls on it) but since we live in Las Vegas and it still 75 degrees he didn't get to wear it.
This is Uncle Ross totally breakin a sweat while he tried to put one of Carter's MANY presents together. That's Kenny on the left supervising. Granny Tammy put her two cents in also.
Our family picture. My guys are so stinkin cute!
I made Carter practice this for a month before his birthday so that he would be ready for the big day. . . . When we asked him how old he was he would put his one finger in the air. I totally think he is gifted!
I asked Jordan and Shelby to make Carter's cake. I think they had a blast doing it. I didn't really no what theme to go with for his party, so we went with soccer. The girls made Carter's cake look like a soccer field with two soccer balls on it. They did such a great job and Carter loved it!
This is the cake that everyone else ate. Carter's cake was soooo much cooler.
He was so happy! At first he kept looking at me to make sure it was ok. Two bites into the cake he forgot I was even there.
Check out the green frosting in his mohawk!
Can you say SUGAR HIGH?
My little boy is growing up. I know everyone says that it goes by so fast. . . . I really didn't believe that it would go by THIS fast. I truly tried to absorb everything that happened this first year. It was impossible.
I remember the day we found out Carter was on his way.
I remember the day he was born.
I remember wanting to memorize my families faces the first time they saw him.
I remember the first time he looked at me and Kenny.
I remember the sleepless nights and going through three diapers in 1 minute.
I remember Kenny totally freaking out if Carter spit up on him (take a shower and change clothes kind of freak out)
I remember all of the First: roll over, crawl, steps, solid food, tooth, smile, laugh . . .
I remember thinking - I can do this! I'm going to be a great mom.
I also remember thinking - What was I thinking, I can't do this!
I remember the endless calls to my mom.
I remember holding him thinking that there was no way it could get any better than it was right then at that moment.
We decided to have a small get together for Carter's 1st birthday. When I say small, I mean only 50 people showed up (we have a big family). Yeah it was CRAZY! I don't think this kid realizes how many people love him.
Here is Carter opening his presents. Thanks to all our friends and family my living room is now FULL of toys. We filled my car and half of Kenny's truck with presents!
Happy birthday Carter! I love you more than you will ever know!
Nice post! I love Carter too! And he really did demolish that cake! He is such a big boy and I feel so old saying this but it really is hard to believe that he is already one year old! I can remember holding him and him actually liking it, and then farting so much that kid had the worst gas ever!
man its been a year? jeez there goes life...:D great post em!! :D
Emmy----He is the cutest little thing ever. And your post brought tears to my eyes. You are an amazing mother, and you have done a great job!
Happy late birthday Carter!
This picture is so cute. Who is the cutie Jordan is holding? :)
That kid is so dang cute! What a fun birthday-wish we could have been there!!
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