Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Abrasions, Bell's Palsey, Speeding Ticket . . . O MY!

WARNING!! This is my venting post. I'm going to complain and whine.
I have had a rough couple of months. In November I got kidney stones. I jokingly gave my little sister Jordan a hug and told her that she would now get the "stones". She actually got kidney stones! I still feel kinda bad about that. Sorry Jordan. Since I have had thyroid cancer a couple times I had to get some test done. One of those lovely test involves me collecting my pee for 24 hours. Yes I had to pee into small cups then transfer that pee into a larger "pee bag" and, this is the best part, keep it chilled in my refrigerator. Don't worry I have sterilized my refrigerator. I also had to have several blood tests done. I will find out the results in a couple of weeks. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Along came the month of December(this might be TMI for some people, you don't have to read this, remember I'm venting). Right before Christmas I got a bladder infection. Of course it was on a Friday night when my doctor was not available. I get bladder infections A LOT. When I get a bladder infection it hits hard and fast. Since I couldn't get an RX, I started chugging cranberry juice and water. I was able to make it through Christmas and at my next doctors visit I tell him how frustrated I am. Guess what? He orders another pee test for me! O joy, I just love peeing in cups. My aim has improved drastically.
December 29Th. My eye starts to water a lot. I just figure that its time to change my contacts. So that's what I do. Then my eyelids start to twitch. I'm talking major twitching. It hurts to read and the twitching/watering has not stoped, so I go to the eye doctor. He informs me that I have an abrasion on my eye. He tells me that I cannot wear my contacts and that I need to get some prescription eye drops. The eye drops were super expensive and I hate wearing my glasses! My eyes are sensitive to the sun and if I can't wear my contacts that means I can't wear my sunglasses. This makes me grumpy.
New Years Eve. I'm at a party having a good time, when all of a sudden my lips start to feel funny. I wait it out until morning to see if anything changes. My tongue felt a little numb and I was having a hard time using a straw. At this point we are at the cabin. I tell my mom my symptoms and she tells me to make an appointment with my doc as soon as we get back. By the time we get back home I cant fully control the right side of my face. When my left eye closes my right eye stays open. I can only smile with half of my mouth and all the wrinkles on the right side of my forehead are gone. One of my new years resolutions was to get a lump on my face looked at ( I kept putting it off because I was worried that it would be cancer again) I already had an appointment made for Monday morning with the dermatologist. He takes one look at the lump and says that it is only a cyst and that I don't need to worry about it. That was such a relief! He proceeds to tell me that he wont treat the cyst until my other doctor can figure out what is wrong with the right side of my face. He did burn a wart of my pinkie finger and it kinda hurt. I then go straight to my regular doctor and he tells me that he is almost positive that I have Bell's Palsy. Bell's Palsy only affects your face and it usually only happens once. I didn't realize how common it was until I started asking around. To make sure that I have Bell's Palsy he made me go get an MRI of my brain. I should find out the results in the next couple of days. Once again keep your fingers crossed for me. (sorry no pictures of my messed up face)
Because my right eye will not close all the way I now have 2 dry spots on my cornea. This is not a good thing. If your eye drys up you can go blind. I have to put more drops in my eye every our and sleep with a mask on. Since I was having such a great new year, I decided to top it off by getting a speeding ticket on my way to the pharmacy to get my new eye drops. Ain't life grand? Now I have to appear in court and pay $190 fine!
I guess you could say that my 2009 is not off to a great start. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Sorry to be so negative. I have faith that all my test results will come back fine. I will keep you posted.


Laura said...

You've got to be kidding. There is no way that all that stuff could happen to one little person. Keep us updated on everything and we will keep you in our prayers.

LuDLoW LiFe said...

Holy Cow! Good Luck with all the blood/pee tests! I hope the results are good! We will keep you in our prayers. Emily, you are such a trooper....

Anonymous said...

you have to let me know when you need a babysitter or dinner or desert or anything?!!

Mandy said...

oh Emily! I am calling you first thing tomorrow morning-only you would have all this stuff happen to her. I am soooooooo sorry. What can I bring for you? Comfort food? ice cream? Sonic? You name it, and its yours! Do you need me to crochet you a blanket?

The White Clan said...

My goodness girl. I am so very sorry. I am praying for you. I know you can pull through whatever comes your way, you are a trooper!

Ashley said...

Holy Cow kid - YIKES! My Dad got Bells Palsy when I was younger - but he's good now so keep up the faith! Modern medicine is a beauty - we are thinking about you and miss you!

Chris & Jessi said...

Wow! Thats amazing, amazingly terrible. I am so sorry. Keep strong girl.