Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mt Charleston

We actually got snow in Las Vegas this winter. It was so crazy to see kids on the side of the road building snowmen and sledding. We decided to take advantage of the snow and go snowboarding at Mt Charleston. Aunt Shelby took Carter for the day (thanks again). We talked my mom and our good friend Robbi into coming with us. Poor Kenny was the only guy, but I think he kinda liked it. We were one of the first groups to get there and it didn't seem to be that busy and the weather was great. We got all suited up (check out Robbi's florescent purple and green jacket! Love it!!) and jumped on the lift. The first two runs were great, nice snow, good friends, I could tell it was going to be a great day.

Then it seemed like all of Las Vegas decided to join us! Being the good sports that we are we decided to keep going, we had to get our moneys worth. 50 bucks! Since the entire mountain was covered with people we had to slow down. . . . A LOT. Even with all the people on the mountain I could always spot Robbi! It seemed like we all decided at the exact same time that we had had enough. I'm so out of shape that me legs were burning, two of us had to go pee and Kenny was hungry. We decide to call it a day and grab some lunch. As soon as we sit down I look at my watch and it's only 11:00. After a whole 2 hours of snowboarding we were DONE. I guess you could say we didn't get our moneys worth. At least we had fun! Right??

Me and my man! Mr. concussion always has to wear a helmet. Doctors orders!

Me, mom, and Robbi!